Petitioning for Other 项目 Away

When choosing an off-campus semester or year abroad program, 学生应该从彻底探索赌博正规的十大网站与世界各地的150多个经批准的合作项目和大学开始, 并有现有的伙伴关系,以满足各种各样的学术目标和需求.

你可以看到 the entire list of approved semester/year programs here, 这些建议指南 may help you focus on options particularly relevant to your major, 小, 或其他学术兴趣或目标.  这些现有的合作伙伴关系和课程已得到CC国际研究委员会和CC相关学术部门的批准, are regularly reviewed for quality, 学术内容, 学生支持. 这些课程支持赌博正规的十大网站的课程,符合我们在国外学习时的高质量文科教育标准.

If, 出于合理的学术原因, you are considering a program that is 不 currently on our CC list, you must petition 提前 for approval through the International Studies Committee. A successful petition must demonstrate a valid academic need 不 met through any existing approved program option; this is usually grounded in a major or 小, 因此,强烈建议在考虑申请的过程中尽早与你的学术顾问或院系交谈. 

In order to be eligible for credit transfer, 非cc出国留学项目必须在完成后从认可的学术大学发给你成绩单, 大学, 或机构. 未经认证的语言学校和不提供学分的体验式学习组织不符合申请资格.

Domestic institutions within the United States (i.e., other 大学s and universities in the U.S. that allow students to enroll as a visiting non-degree-seeking student) are appropriate for study abroad petitions unless the semester is designed as a 独立学期经历 类似于一个学期的海外学习经历,比如cc批准的华盛顿学期. 如果一个学生只是想在不同的美国大学参加常规课程,那么请愿书是不合适的.S. 大学 or university for a semester and transfer the credits back to CC.

请与 希瑟·鲍威尔·布朗, our Assistant Director of 全球教育, well 提前 of deadlines to learn more about this process and the criteria for approval, 获得访问权限以完成 “Petition for Non-Approved Study Away: 学期 or Year” in Summit if you think you have a valid academic need to petition.

她还可以帮助你从批准的名单中探索你可能没有见过的其他选择. 请注意,申请过程比申请一个批准的项目需要更多的时间来完成, has earlier deadlines because it must be reviewed by the 全球教育 Committee. If your petition is approved, the same 金融援助/家庭学校学费 policies apply for you, the same as they would for a program from the CC-Approved list. 

学生 who 不 petition in Summit 提前 for non-CC study abroad programs will  be able to transfer credit towards their CC degree. 在首脑会议上提交一份 “Petition for Non-Approved Study Away: 学期 or Year” is February 15 for the upcoming fall semester or academic year, September 15 for a 春季学期 program.

If you are interested in studying abroad in the summer, please first look at the listing of CC暑期班 在校外/国外接受教育. These are attractive for many students each year because they are taught by CC professors, 你可以用 your Wildcard for the tuition portion of the cost (if you've 不 previously used it for a CC summer class), CC need-based 金融援助 is available for our summer programs only.  外卡 不能 适用于非赌博正规的十大网站开设的海外暑期课程的学费. 

In order to be eligible for credit transfer, 任何非cc出国留学项目必须在完成后从认可的学术大学发给你成绩单, 大学, 或机构. 未经认证的语言学校和不提供学分的体验式学习组织不符合申请资格.

如果你想申请国外的非CC暑期课程,并将学分转回你的CC学位, you may do so through the Center for 全球教育 & 野外研究 portal in Summit, using the "Summer Petition for Non-CC Study Abroad Program“应用程序. 你必须证明一个学术需求没有被满足/类似的课程没有通过现有的CC暑期项目之一在同一个夏天领导, the program you are participating in must be through an accredited academic institution. 请注意, all study abroad is handled through the Center for 全球教育 portal in Summit, 不 the CC Summer Session portal in Summit.

There is no CC 金融援助 available in the summer for non-CC programs; you have the option of checking with CC’s Financial 援助 Office to determine if you have remaining loan eligibility, 你也可以申请 外面的奖学金 or program scholarships to help defray the cost. 所有海外非cc暑期项目的费用将直接在学生和海外项目/大学之间处理, 不经过CC.

学生 who 不 petition in Summit 提前 for non-CC Summer study abroad programs will  be able to transfer credit towards their CC degree. 在首脑会议上提交一份 “Summer Petition for Non-CC Study Abroad Program” is 5月15日 each year for the upcoming summer, must be confirmed in Summit by June 1.

虽然有许多学校和留学机构在寒假期间提供独立的一月课程和海外项目, CC不像我们对秋季和春季学期的课程那样,保留非CC一月/冬季学期课程的批准列表.  由于J-Block是标准CC学年的一部分,并且CC每年提供广泛的校外街区, including academic year and summer options, enrollment in a non-CC January/Winter Break study away course is 不 encouraged. 

We encourage CC students to apply for one of the 30+ CC blocks away led by our own faculty. 然而, 如果你想在国外攻读1月份的学术课程,该课程在当年的CC课程列表中没有代表, 您可以通过峰会提交“非cc一月/寒假出国留学项目请愿书”,以审查学分的可转移性.

In order to be eligible for credit transfer, 非cc出国留学项目必须在完成后从认可的学术大学发给你成绩单, 大学, 或机构. 未经认证的语言学校和不提供学分的体验式学习组织不符合申请资格.

请注意 CC offers no 金融援助 or tuition support for non-CC January study abroad programs.  Because our J-Block is considered a “bonus” block included with your fall or spring tuition, with no additional tuition charge for students at CC, 有, 因此, 没有额外的资金来支持非cc一月/寒假的学习课程, just as is the case with non-CC summer courses.  您可以选择与CC的财务援助办公室检查,以确定您是否有剩余的贷款资格, 你也可以申请 外面的奖学金 or program scholarships to help defray the cost.

学生 who 不 petition in Summit 提前 for non-CC January/Winter Break study abroad programs will  be able to transfer credit towards their CC degree. 在Summit提交“非cc 1月/寒假出国留学项目请愿书”的截止日期为每年10月15日.

NOLS项目因培养各种户外技能和领导能力而受到CC学生的欢迎, 但只有少数课程是文科性质的,因此有资格转到CC. Partial credit for the NOLS program may be transferable to CC with completion of the proper "NOLS 信用转帐 Petition" in Summit; please contact 希瑟·鲍威尔·布朗 in the Center for 全球教育 & 野外研究 for a link to access and complete this petition.

学生 必须明确 要求通过经认可的犹他大学或西部州立科罗拉多大学合作伙伴关系的成绩单颁发学术学分. nools提供的可转换课程包括环境研究(ENVST3011)课程和/或文化研究(PRT3046/5046)课程(记住4个学期学分= 1个CC单元). Additionally, 科罗拉多大学 will also grant a maximum of 0.完成荒野紧急医疗技术员(EMT)课程可获得5个学分, consistent with what we offer here at CC. We will 不 award transfer credit for courses such as Group Leadership Techniques, 荒野急救员(WFR), 野外技能实习, 考察计划, 或风险评估/管理, as these are 不 liberal arts in nature.

由于NOLS计划只提供部分学分的机会,你需要一个 事假 from CC (through the Student Opportunities and 咨询中心) to do NOLS, 如果是在学年期间. In the summer, no personal leave is necessary. There is typically no additional 金融援助 available from CC to do a NOLS program, 和你 pay for the program directly (不 through CC/家庭学校学费).

如果你计划在学年(秋季学期)参加海外学习项目, 春季学期, 或全年出国), 和你  支付标准CC 家庭学校学费 for study abroad and go through the CC application and approval processes, you will 不 be able to transfer those credits back to CC.  出发前, 你需要联系学生机会和咨询中心,向学院申请个人请假.
问题 about all types of petitions can be directed to 希瑟·鲍威尔·布朗, Assistant Director of 全球教育.

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