
Current and Historic Name: Ticknor大厅
地址:北纬926号. 级联大道
Architectural Style: Late Victorian
Architect: Douglas and Hetherington, Colorado Springs
Designation: National Register

今天奉献的房子将有助于塑造住在里面的年轻妇女的生活, and out of its influences they will pass into the homes of Colorado, 随身携带着他们在这里所能吸收的一切修养和修养. 总统. 威廉F. 斯洛克姆(1898年1月

赌博正规的十大网站在1897-98年建立了蒂克诺大厅,作为第二所女子宿舍. 在19世纪90年代,女学生的数量稳步增长,很快就超过了蒙哥马利大厅的容量, 建成于1891年. 这所学院临时租用了附近的两所私人住宅,获得了额外的空间, but recognized the pressing need for a new hall on campus. 威廉·F总统. 斯洛克姆(1888 - 1917), 他是一位才华横溢的筹款人,在他任职期间极大地扩大了大学的设施, emphasized the need for more dormitory space to potential donors. A friend of the college responded, 贡献了5美元,1897年4月,她获得了1万美元的捐款,用于建造一座新的妇女住宅,随后又将捐款增加到20美元,000.

The identity of the donor was not revealed until 1903, when the community learned it was Elizabeth Cheney of Wellesley, 麻萨诸塞州. In her early twenties at the time of her gift, Miss Cheney had visited Colorado Springs for her health several times. 斯洛克姆校长后来报告说,在看到拟议的宿舍楼平面图时,她说, “构建它, 我会为此付出代价的." The donor requested the new hall be named for her special friend, Anna Ticknor of Boston, "whose counsel had meant much to Miss Cheney in her own undergraduate days.伊丽莎白·切尼还捐钱为学生宿舍添置家具,并为学校的第一座美术大楼添置管风琴, Perkins Hall (no longer standing).

The college engaged the Colorado Springs architectural firm of Walter F. 道格拉斯和T. Duncan Hetherington to design the new residence hall. Douglas had previously prepared drawings for 蒙哥马利大厅. The Woman's Educational Society (WES) assisted in planning the new dormitory, 专注于为建筑融入“家庭氛围”,并为其家具筹集资金. Established in 1889 to provide "physical, 知识, and spiritual aid to young women" on campus, WES计划并筹集资金建造蒙哥马利大厅,并继续为学生提供帮助,支持校园项目和改进.

Excavation for Ticknor大厅 started in May 1897. 1897年6月15日, 伊迪丝Dabb, president of that year's graduating class, 代表学生团体在毕业典礼周举行的典礼上奠定基石. 一个装有学院和WES出版物和报纸副本的盒子被放在基石上. 玛丽斯洛克姆, wife of the college president and head of the WES, 出人意料的是,她宣布说不出这位匿名捐赠者的名字, but she would display a picture. To much amusement, she held up a photograph of an Egyptian Sphinx. For many years the photograph ornamented the front hallway of the dormitory, where it was the first thing visible to visitors.

1898年1月11日,全国各地发出的雕刻精美的请柬吸引了一大群人来参加蒂克诺大厅的落成典礼, including Colorado Springs founder William Jackson Palmer. Following a ceremony with music, 祈祷, 和演讲, WES安排了许多家具和装饰品作为礼物,并准备了午餐和招待会. President Slocum proclaimed Ticknor had been "so constructed, 布置和布置,只有高雅和文化的影响将包围那些要住在这里."


In 1929, 一位著名的女权主义者和民主党人莉莲·克尔给科罗拉多斯普林斯的一家报纸写了一封信,哀叹市议会中没有女性. "I dismissed the thought," Edith Bramhall later recounted, "but woke up the next morning saying: 'Why don't you do it yourself?'"

位于蒙哥马利和卡特勒大厅之间的发展中的妇女四合院, 新宿舍占据了一个利用土地坡度的地方,创造了采光良好、通风良好的地下室. 按照建造蒙哥马利时采用的平房制度设计, 该建筑类似于优雅的维多利亚式住宅,墙壁由尤特山口红色和绿色白云石组成, as well as half-timbering, 老虎, 还有凸窗. 五颜六色的石头提供了“最华丽的外观”,与校园中使用的其他类型的石头形成了“鲜明的对比”. The Colorado Collegian boasted, “明亮的卧室, filled out with all the conveniences that could be desired, the long halls richly carpeted, 宽阔的楼梯, the large parlors with polished floors and magnificent rugs, the bright and cheery study room, the neat and well-ordered kitchen and dining room, 宽敞的医院, all combined to make a delightful effect."

Although appearing similar in size to Montgomery from the front, a large west wing increased the hall's capacity, tripling the on-campus living space for women students. 除了, 蒂克诺大厅拥有一些特殊的设施,如俱乐部和自习室,在南面有一个单独的入口,供校园里所有的女性使用, a trunk elevator for moving luggage, and a large dining room seating 40 to 50. 所有住在校园里的女学生只要支付5美元的年费,就可以使用"完全隔离"的医务室. This marked the beginning of a student health service on campus. Two members of the WES covered the nurse's salary for the first year. 考虑到自行车的受欢迎程度,设计中还包括了一个供两轮车使用的“马厩”. As the Colorado Springs Gazette noted, "The wheelwoman's interest has, 当然, 必须考虑到,他们珍贵的战马会在地下室找到安全的住所吗." Noting the elegance of the new hall, 《赌博正规的十大网站》评论道:“毫无疑问,似乎没有一个年轻女子能在蒂克诺庄园生活四年而不成为一个完全有教养的人, partaking unconsciously of the influence of her surroundings."

As Ticknor大厅 neared completion, 在鲁思·卢米斯回应了一则招聘院长的广告后,该学院聘请她担任女子学院院长兼女生宿舍主管, 管家, and nurse for a salary of $40 per month. A graduate and instructor at Vassar College, 卢米斯小姐为女学生制定了社会行为准则,并带来了“世故”, 文雅, and sense of proper behaviors typified by an eastern college." A member of the Class of 1906 recalled, "Dignity marked Dean Loomis' bearing; even her laughter was subdued and lady-like and her taffeta-lined skirts swished in quiet elegance as she moved down the stairs to lead evening 祈祷 in Ticknor study.“学院认为宿舍生活不仅仅是一种方便的住宿选择, but an important part of a young woman's education, 学生宿舍是他们精心安排的社交生活中心.

一战期间, 科罗拉多大学 hosted the Army Signal Corps School, 一项针对无线电操作员的军事培训计划,培训了500多名学生. When an epidemic of the Spanish Influenza struck campus in 1918, eight members and an instructor of the Signal Corps died in one month, resulting in a quarantine of campus. The college pressed Ticknor大厅 into service as an infirmary.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, out-of-town enrollment dropped, leading to the closure of Montgomery, Ticknor, and McGregor halls in March 1933. As enrollment rebounded Ticknor大厅, which some felt was the neglected "old maid of the campus," was redecorated and reopened in the fall of 1936. 1957年到1959年, 在恢复作为宿舍的角色之前,Ticknor作为教师办公大楼运营. 在后来的岁月里, the basement housed a 职业中心, providing students with assistance in employment planning and job 搜索es. Ticknor大厅, 2000年,因其历史和建筑而被列入国家史迹名录, serves as a coed theme residence.


National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

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