气候、环境 & 可持续性

Want to dive into a campus culture where sustainability is more than a buzzword, but a way of life? 在赌博正规的十大网站, our approach to climate 和可持续性 resonates with the dynamism of the Rockies themselves. 这不是坐在课堂上草草记下理论. Here, sustainability is woven into the fabric of our daily experience.

Imagine stepping out of your dorm and finding yourself in the heart of an award-winning model of carbon neutrality. Geothermal energy projects humming beneath your feet and vast solar arrays capturing the Colorado sun. 在CC, we don’t only study 环境, we actively protect and care for it.

From classroom discussions to campus operations, at CC, living sustainably isn’t just a possibility, 这是我们每天都在做的事情. 在我们美丽的校园内外, 你不会简单地学习可持续发展,你会生活在其中, 呼吸它, 并为之做出贡献.


在赌博正规的十大网站, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond a chapter in a textbook. Imagine a campus where academic departments ignite your learning with courses dedicated to sustainable practices. 这就是CC的现实. 可持续性 is not merely a concept - it's part of our curriculum.

In our liberal arts environment, collaboration is more than encouraged – it’s a way of life. 学生与教师携手合作, 不仅仅是在课堂上, but in groundbreaking re搜索 endeavors focused on sustainability. One-fifth of our faculty are deeply immersed in sustainability re搜索, underscoring our unwavering dedication to addressing this global imperative.

这不仅仅是一个可持续发展的承诺. It's a testament to our holistic approach to environmental stewardship. 在CC,我们不仅教授可持续发展 我们把它体现在演讲厅、实验室和实地研究课程中.



  • 35人中有29人 academic departments at CC offer courses that focus on sustainability.

  • As a liberal arts college, CC 学生 and professors are highly encouraged to 合作研究.

  • 29%的CC学生 graduate from a program or major that requires an understanding of sustainability.
  • 五分之一的教职员工 对可持续性要素进行研究.

  • 三分之一的学术部门 have one or more faculty members engaging in sustainability re搜索.


2020年1月1日,赌博正规的十大网站成为 第一个在落基山脉地区 and among the first eight higher-ed institutions in North America to achieve a monumental milestone: carbon neutrality. 但是我们是怎么做到的呢? 通过在国内切实可行的行动.

利用太阳的力量和创新精神, CC现在100%使用当地的可再生能源. 我们的能源不仅是绿色的,而且是自给自足的, thanks to on-site resources and a pioneering partnership with Colorado Springs Utilities. 这与遥远的发电厂无关. 这关乎我们后院的权力.

We’ve slashed our on-campus emissions by a staggering 75%, focusing on direct emission reductions. 在CC, we believe in leading by example, not just balancing the books with carbon offsets. This is a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainable practices – not in words, 但是在行动中. We don't just envision a greener future – we're creating it, right here, right now.


  • CC的第一 高性能能源设计指南 是为新建和翻新的建筑写的吗.

  • CC has worked with Colorado Springs Utilities over the past decade to find ways to partner and meet its goals. 这有助于导致增加 255兆瓦的本地太阳能 在当前和计划中的项目.
  • 东校区宿舍 打开与 可持续太阳能和地热能系统.

  • 众多 太阳能光伏装置 were constructed on and off campus, originally initiated by 学生 in 2008.

  • CC支持 气候友好型交通通道 校园各处都有电动汽车充电器, 让学生和员工普遍使用PikeRide, 学生可以乘坐MMT巴士和安全乘车.

社区 & 世界

在CC our vision of sustainability stretches far beyond the campus borders. It's a journey we embark on together with the larger community.

通过 落基山脉之州项目,我们不仅仅是在研究环境. 我们正在深入落基山脉的中心地带, analyzing environmental attitudes and policies with a collaborative spirit that brings together minds from every corner of the community.

我们的承诺不仅限于地方层面. 我们的 faculty and 学生 take their passion for climate action to the global stage, 积极参与 联合国气候变化会议 (警察). Imagine being part of those pivotal global climate discussions, where your voice and re搜索 contribute to international climate action. 在CC,这不是梦想,而是现实.

These programs are the embodiment of our role in shaping a sustainable future. 我们的 focus isn’t limited to re搜索 within the confines of our campus. 我们将我们的触角延伸到社区和全球, bringing the principles of sustainability from our classrooms to the world. 在CC, we’re not only educators and learners – we’re leading the charge towards a more sustainable world.



  • 我们的 社区参与学者计划 through the CCE and the PIFP provides many engagement experiences for 学生 to build connections with local organizations an nonprofits supporting a wide range of topics, 获得有效的, 真实的经历.

  • 落基山脉州 looks at environmental attitudes across the West and addresses social and political issues that arise through the annual survey, including fracking policy in Colorado and heat island impacts on low-income households.
  • 教师和学生参与的主题,如 难民和移民问题, including climate migration, through classes, coursework, community engagement, and field study.

  • 可持续发展办公室 为学生提供有偿和无偿的机会 experiential learning opportunities where 学生 can lead sustainability initiatives across campus.


This is just a small sampling of what our community has been doing recently related to climate, 环境, 和可持续性. 阅读更多关于CC校友, 学生, 在可持续发展方面取得的成就 高峰.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/11/2024